We appreciate your interest in supporting
Legal Services of Eastern Michigan
All donations, small and large, help someone with limited means work with a free lawyer to help stabilize their family in times of crisis.
Legal Services of Eastern Michigan participates in the Access to Justice Campaign and encourages your support through the ATJ Fund. The ATJ Campaign is a collaborative centralized campaign, administered by the Michigan State Bar Foundation in partnership with the State Bar of Michigan, to increase resources for seven regional and eight statewide civil legal aid programs in Michigan. 100% of your donation will be distributed to support civil legal aid to the poor throughout Michigan.
If you are not an attorney, you may also donate to LSEM directly by clicking the link below. These contributions go directly to LSEM and our programs including The Legal Services of Eastern Michigan Fair Housing Center and the Senior Law Center of Legal Services of Eastern Michigan.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please CLICK HERE for the pledge form.
Send the check to:
Legal Services of Eastern Michigan
436 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, Michigan 48502
To request additional information about donating to LSEM, please contact our Development Director, Brian Smith at (800) 322-4512 x 5039 or bsmith@lsem-mi.org.
LSEM receives funding from the Legal Services Corporation. Please be advised that your contribution to Legal Services of Eastern Michigan or its programs must be used consistently with the Legal Services Corporation Act and Regulations.